Tax Offices Contact Details
For more information on Timor-Leste’s taxation system, contact the Timor-Leste Revenue Service by phone on (+670) 74002070/74002071
Visit a Tax Office
You can also visit one of our 3 Tax Offices if you have an enquiry or need further information:
- Dili District Office, Rua Aitarak-Laran, Ministerio das Finansas(8th Floor & Ground Floor)
- Baucau District Office, Vilanova Street, Kota Baru, Baucau, or
- Maliana District Office, Holsa Street, Maliana.
Officers of the Timor-Leste Revenue Service are not authorised to receive payments from taxpayers. See how to pay taxes.
Further information
- Contact Us: if you need to contact the Ministry of Finance
- Domestic Revenue Directorate and Petroleum Revenue Directorate: roles and responsibilities of Directorates and Directors’ Profiles